Sunday, October 11, 2009

Walt Disney. Commercial. Persuasion.

"There is so much in life we are celebrating...from the smallest events to the biggest milestones" the Disney commercial promoting free birthday admission to the theme parks says, at the same time showing the touching moments of our lives... Hearing the song and watching those moments appealing to our emotions, we are being influenced on several levels: hearing, watching, memory flashbacks, which all together undermines our feeling and emotions towards those who we love and whose accomplishments we cherish more then anything else...our children.
"What will you celebrate in the place where dreams come true?", the commercial continues, taking us to the magical atmosphere of the Disney park and enchanting us with the presence of fairy tales heroes in real life. It pushes us to the thought that our beloved children do deserve to dive into whimsical themes of Disney and its exciting entertainment for their birthday.
Thus, the commercial persuades us to register for the free birthday admission to the Disney theme park and does it extremely well, in my opinion, by the means of vocabulary chosen and influencing us on the level of hearing, watching and triggering our emotional memory.
The commercial is available at

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